With our learning tool you can develop a strategy on-the-job for the digital transformation of your organisation.

  • Our quick check tool can give you a first impression of where your organisation is at the moment.
  • We take you through the process of developing a strategy for the digital transformation of your company, one step at a time. Get to know methods such as CANVAS and the GAP and PESTLE analyses. Learn more about how to professionally manage projects, risks, knowledge and changes.
  • With the help of our clear learning modules you will be able to work through the most important technological developments such as big data, artificial intelligence or cybersecurity.
  • At the end, you will be able to use our prioritisation tool to help you decide which activities you want to tackle first.

We talk about digitalisation when an existing process is digitally portrayed in order to make the individual working steps as efficient as possible. This means that what was previously carried out in an analogue way, e.g. on paper, is transferred to bits and bytes. Digital transformation includes digitalisation, but also includes the strategic implications. Simply because a digital solution exists does not mean that it should immediately be digitalised. In a process of digital transformation, your customer is always at the centre of your analysis. It is all about solving your customer’s problems in a new or different way. To find out more about this, read our article: ‘Digitalisation versus digital transformation – which is which?

The learning tool was designed primarily for those who want to carry out digital transformation in small and medium enterprises (SME) in the business services sector. No specific prior knowledge is required to use the tool. The aim of the tool is for all those who are interested to become more familiar with the topic of the digital transformation of an organisation. This is why the foundational knowledge about digital technologies and every step in the strategy development is explained in a way that makes it easy to understand. The approach to strategy development that is introduced here can also be transferred to other particular applications and types of organisation. It can therefore also be applied in organisations other than SME.

With our quick check tool you can get a first impression of the level at which your organisation is currently operating when it comes to digital transformation. After this you can start the learning process in line with our step by step instructions. The step by step instructions give you an overview of which activities you should implement for your strategy development and which learning modules can support you with this. The learning module ‘Your Digital Transformation’ (part 1 and part 2) also offers a more extensive set of instructions for your strategy development.

We have compiled the most essential information for you about current digital developments such as artificial intelligence, robotics and drones, big data etc. We introduce you to each topic in a separate learning module, making sure that it is easy to understand. Don’t let yourself be put off. You don’t need any programming skills to understand whether a technical development is important for you. Embark on this journey of discovery and you will understand what’s really behind each of the different terms. You will experience some surprises and come to realise: everyone will be able to have a say with this basic knowledge and make an important contribution to the digital transformation of their own company.

Absolutely. The learning tool is completely online and consists in clear learning modules. If you register with the platform, you’ll be able to save your progress as you learn and pick up where you left off when you next log in. The content of the learning tool can be applied directly to the practical work of the organisation using it.

You should plan 12 working days for the process of strategy development with the help of the digital transformation learning tool. A detailed overview, showing how much time you’ll need for each stage, can be found in our step by step instructions. Invest this time in your strategy development. Your company will be better equipped for the future and lots of ideas will be generated during this intensive work that could open up new possibilities for you in your market.

In order to be able to develop a strategy for digital transformation it is important that you understand the specific procedures of your company well and that you are able to continually involve the decision makers in the company, to interact with further stakeholders, and to follow the step by step instructions in the learning tool. You will need some important information about the company, such as the current business model, the skills of the employees etc.

In order to register your progress as you learn, please register with the learning platform and log in each time you use the learning tool. Users that log in will be shown which learning modules they have already dealt with.

No. The learning tool can be used free of charge and without registration. We offer you the possibility of registering with the learning platform so that you can save your progress as you learn.

Yes. The development of the learning tool was funded within the EU Erasmus+ programme. The use of the learning tool is offered to you completely free of charge.

A scientifically grounded process model forms the basis of the strategy development offered by the learning tool. This was developed by our project partner LUISS, a university in Rome. You can download the process model here.

The digital transformation learning tool was developed within the 2-year-long EU project ‘Digitalisation’ by seven organisations from Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Italy and Cyprus. Find out more about the project and the institutions involved.

The learning modules cannot be downloaded. The separate learning modules are supplemented by worksheets. You can download these worksheets as Word or PDF documents.

The learning tool is under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY-SA. You can find out more about this licence in our imprint. The learning tool may therefore also be used free of charge by consultants under observance of the licence in order to support their customers with strategy development. The authors of the learning tool are, however, not liable in any way for the consequences of an improper application or implementation of the method with the consultant’s customers. For more information please read our terms of use and the imprint.

An organisation cannot delegate its strategy development to a third party. There are, however, opportunities afforded by external support: it is, for example, easier for consultants to address tabus in organisations. Thanks to their experience they are able to quickly identify which obstacles should be anticipated or which topics are not being dealt with consistently enough. External support is also helpful when it comes to pressing ahead with the project ‘strategy development for digital transformation’ so that it doesn’t slide off the agenda because of other priorities in daily business. You can find more information to external support here.

If you have technical challenges with the platform please get in touch with emcra GmbH via our contact formula.

We are always grateful for your feedback. Your suggestions for improvement or your praise make it possible for us to keep on developing the learning tool further. You can get to the feedback page here.