Many companies simply try to modernise existing processes or areas of business with the help of digital technologies. That’s not enough. With this approach you lose sight of interesting new business possibilities and also of still unidentified risks for your business.
The fact is: successful digital transformation requires digitalisation, but you can’t lose sight of the foundational process of digital transformation by becoming fixated on digitalisation. Otherwise everything in your company will soon be digital but you will still won’t have any customers in the future.
What do we mean by digitalisation?
To put it simply: what used to be done in an analogue form, e.g. on paper, is converted into bits and bytes. This has already been happening in companies for several years and yet there is still further room for improvement in almost all SME. Digitalisation is often equated with automatisation.
Example: an existing process is depicted digitally in order to arrange the steps as efficiently as possible so that an offer is sent by the system in direct response to a customer enquiry, the delivery of an object is automatically initiated after an order and the corresponding receipt is also immediately submitted and simultaneously forwarded to the internal accounting department or the interface to the tax advisor.

What is digital transformation?
To put it simply: digital transformation is never “driven” by technology. Just because a digital solution exists doesn’t mean that this is simply digitalised straight away. In a process of digital transformation your customer is always at the centre of your analysis. It is all about finding new or different ways to solve your customers’ problems. Your goal is to solve known and also new customer problems with the best technological possibilities.
Technology is only a means to an end. This is why it’s important for you to spend time looking at the driving forces that are changing your business world. This still applies, even if you’re sure that artificial intelligence (AI), for example, doesn’t have any consequences for your business at the moment. Let yourself be inspired and look ahead to tomorrow’s world. Your process of digital transformation that is definitely still to be done will already profit from this.
Driving Forces that Change the World
Blockchain, big data and much more – a short and understandable explanation.
Quick Check: What is my Company’s Current Position?
Check in a few minutes to what extent your company is prepared for the digital transformation and receive further information.
Digital Transformation: Step-by-Step Instructions
Materials for working, learning and planning regarding the development and implementation of your individual strategy.
Quick Check: What is my Company’s Current Position?
Check in a few minutes to what extent your company is prepared for the digital transformation and receive further information.
Driving Forces that Change the World
Blockchain, big data and much more – a short and understandable explanation.
Digital Transformation: Step-by-Step Instructions
Materials for working, learning and planning regarding the development and implementation of your individual strategy.