Digital Transformation: Step-by-Step Instructions

Digital transformation is – even when it involves using the most modern technology – first and foremost a managerial task. No one should blindly follow technological trends simply because everyone is talking about them.

So how can you master this process of digital transformation? The best way is just to take one step at a time. To do this you need the right tools. These are know-how in project management, knowledge management, change management and risk management. You also need good methods that work well, such as e.g. the SWOT analysis. This isn’t new, but it is useful. By the way, this doesn’t just apply to your process of digital transformation, but to all challenges that you come across in your daily business.

If you systematically follow our step-by-step instructions you will end up with a planning list at the end to tell you what you should do next. You will have dealt in detail with the opportunities and risks of digital transformation for your company and will be able to start the implementation – so that your company will still be a successful operator in the market in five or ten years’ time.

Good to know: the step-by-step approach recommended here is based on
a detailed process model that we have developed together with the
LUISS University in Rome.
You can find out more about the process model here.

Digital transformation is – even when it involves using the most modern technology – first and foremost a managerial task. No one should blindly follow technological trends simply because everyone is talking about them.

So how can you master this process of digital transformation? The best way is just to take one step at a time. To do this you need the right tools. These are know-how in project management, knowledge management, change management and risk management. You also need good methods that work well, such as e.g. the SWOT analysis. This isn’t new, but it is useful. By the way, this doesn’t just apply to your process of digital transformation, but to all challenges that you come across in your daily business.

If you systematically follow our step-by-step instructions you will end up with a planning list at the end to tell you what you should do next. You will have dealt in detail with the opportunities and risks of digital transformation for your company and will be able to start the implementation – so that your company will still be a successful operator in the market in five or ten years’ time.

Good to know: the step-by-step approach recommended here is based on
a detailed process model that we have developed together with the
LUISS University in Rome.
You can find out more about the process model here.


Process Instructions

Digital Transformation: Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Project start


To do

Required time (recommended)*

Define project leader and team members

2 days

Make the project known within your company

Decide how to report on project progress within your organisation

Get to know the change protocol worksheet

Required Learning Modules:

Knowledge of these four management areas is required in all project phases.

Work Material:

* The times specified for each step may vary depending on the data available. The next step can already be started before the current one has been entirely completed, meaning that the times sometimes overlap.

Step 2: Analyse the external influences on your business


To do

Required time (recommended)*

Get to know the “PESTLE-Analysis” tool

1 day


Teamwork: Analyse the external influences on your business with PESTLE

Use the worksheets and note down in the change protocol any ideas that are already emerging about what to change

Required Learning Modules:

Work Material:

Step 3: Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your organisation


To do

Required time (recommended)*

Get to know the “GAP-Analysis” tool

1 day


Teamwork: Analyse your strengths and weaknesses with GAP-Analysis

Use the worksheets and note down in the change protocol any ideas that are already emerging about what to change

Required Learning Modules:

Work Material:

Step 4: Describe your current business model


To do

Required time (recommended)*

Get to know the “CANVAS Business Model” tool

1 day


Teamwork: Describe your current business model with CANVAS

Use the examples and the chart and note down any ideas that emerge in the change protocol

Required Learning Modules:

Work Material:

* The times specified for each step may vary depending on the data available. The next step can already be started before the current one has been entirely completed, meaning that the times sometimes overlap.

Step 5: Collect facts and suggestions


To do

Required time (recommended)*

Learn the success factors for digital business models

1 day


Look at pioneers in your own market and review their success factors

Watch your competitors and analyse the market, involving your colleagues and employees in this process

Analyse the needs and purchasing decisions of your customers and the reasons why interested people do not become your customers

Note down any ideas that emerge in the change protocol

Work Material:

Step 6: Get to know the “driving forces” behind digital transformation and check how applicable they are to your business


To do

Required time (recommended)*

Get to know the 10 digital technologies

2 days

Teamwork: Discuss your understanding of the 10 digital technologies

Teamwork: Decide which of the new digital technologies could be applicable to your business and how they could be used

Note down any ideas that emerge in the change protocol

Required Learning Modules:

Work Material:

Step 7: Develop your new business strategy


To do

Required time (recommended)*

Teamwork: Adapt your business strategy or develop a new one with the SWOT-Analysis

1 day

Use the ideas from the change protocol and note down any new ideas

Required Learning Modules:

Work Material:

Step 8: Develop and describe your new business model


To do

Required time (recommended)*

Teamwork: Adapt your business model or develop a new one with the results from your SWOT-Analysis and the ideas from the change protocol

1 day

Describe the new business model with CANVAS

Required Learning Modules:

Work Material:

* The times specified for each step may vary depending on the data available. The next step can already be started before the current one has been entirely completed, meaning that the times sometimes overlap.

Step 9: Sort and prioritise the planned activities


To do

Required time (recommended)*



Define criteria for the process of prioritisation

2 days


Assess the urgency of the planned activities

Assess the consequences of the planned activities

Check available resources (personnel and financial)

Assess the priorities

Required Learning Modules:

Work Material:

Step 10: Start, execute and review implementation


To do

Required time (recommended)*

Determine who will be the digitalisation agent and who they will work with. Communicate this decision to your organisation

depending on project requirements

Decide how to report on the progress of implementation within your organisation

Review whether the planned milestones have been achieved and whether this is in accordance with the budgets

If the planned activities have to be changed, take into account the ideas in the change protocol

Compare the achieved results with your targets and decide if and when to start a new project cycle from step 1

Required Learning Modules:

Knowledge of these four areas of management and their application is vital for the success of your process of digital transformation.

Knowledge of these four areas of management and their application is vital for the success of your process of digital transformation.

Work Material:

* The times specified for each step may vary depending on the data available. The next step can already be started before the current one has been entirely completed, meaning that the times sometimes overlap.

Don’t wait any longer!

Start now and continue the analysis and planning process in your day-to-day work at your own pace.